Trade finance

Effective since 01.09.2024

Bank Guarantee
Service Fee
Issuance As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
Guarantee utilization:
cash or term deposit collateral 1% p.a. (min. 50 EUR)
other collateral As agreed (min. 70 EUR)
Amendment / Cancellation before expiry date 80 EUR
Draft preparation (applicable if guarantee is not issued) 80 EUR
Extra fee for urgent issuance/amendments As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
Handling of claim 0.2% from amount claimed (min. EUR 200)
Authenticity check of the guarantee issued by other bank 40 EUR
Handling of the claim under guarantee issued by other bank 80 EUR
Advice of a guarantee / amendment issued by other bank 250 EUR
SWIFT message 10 EUR
Costs of courier services / mail Actual costs
Notification on possible issuance of guarantee 100 EUR
Preparation of agreement on guarantee issuance As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
Amendment to the agreement 80 EUR
Import Letter of Credit
Service Fee
Issuance As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
LC utilization:
cash or term deposit collateral 1% p.a. (min. 50 EUR)
other collateral As agreed (min. 70 EUR)
Amendment / Cancellation before expiry date 80 EUR
Draft preparation (applicable if LC is not issued) 80 EUR
Handling of documents (for each set) 0.2% from amount (min. 150 EUR)
Deferred payment administration 80 EUR
Discrepancy fee (for account of the beneficiary) 100 EUR
SWIFT message 10 EUR
Costs of courier services / mail Actual costs
Preparation of agreement on LC issuance As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
Amendment to the agreement 80 EUR
Export Letter of Credit
Service Fee
Advice of received LC / amendment 80 EUR
Handling of documents (for each set) 0.2% from amount (min. 150 EUR)
Pre-check of documents (for each set) 80 EUR
Deferred payment administration 80 EUR
Confirmation of LC As agreed (min. 100 EUR)
Discounting of documents under LC As agreed (min. 150 EUR)
Draft preparation (applicable if LC is not issued) 80 EUR
Transfer of the LC 0.3 % from amount (min. 200 EUR)
Assignment of proceeds 0.1% from assigned amount (min. 150 EUR)
SWIFT message 10 EUR
Costs of courier services / mail Actual costs
Documentary collection
Service Fee
Handling documents and payment 0.2 % from amount (min. 100 EUR, max. 400 EUR)
Amendment 40 EUR
Delivery/return of documents without payment 70 EUR
Release of goods addressed to Citadele 70 EUR
SWIFT message 10 EUR
Costs of courier services / mail Actual costs