Contact us

+372 77 00 000

We will answer any question whether general or specific about our products and services!


For official correspondence we kindly ask you to use electronically signed documents.

AS Citadele banka Eesti filiaal
Narva mnt. 63/1
Tallinn 10120, Eesti Vabariik
Bank code in Estonia: 700
Registry code: 11971924
VAT number: EE101387020

SIA Citadele Leasing Eesti filiaal
Narva mnt 63/1, Tallinn 10120
Registry code: 11453650
VAT number: EE100834642
Entered in the list of creditors under number 4.1-1/81

Citadele Factoring OÜ
Narva mnt. 63/1, Tallinn 10120
Registry code: 10925733
VAT number: EE100812978

Contacts in other countries