Leasing calculator

Min. Monthly income cannot be lower than 1000 Max. Monthly income cannot exceed 5000
Min. Monthly liabilities cannot be lower than 0 Max. Monthly liabilities cannot exceed 100
Monthly payment
0.00 EUR
0.00 EUR
Maximum leasing amount
Min. remaining value in percent cannot be lower than 9.9 Max. remaining value in percent cannot exceed 85.5
Min. Remaining value cannot be lower than 1980 Max. Remaining value cannot exceed 17100
Min. Vehicle price cannot be lower than 11500 Max. Vehicle price cannot exceed 999999
Min. Contract term in years cannot be lower than 2 Max. Contract term in years cannot exceed 7
2 years
7 years
Min. down payment in percent cannot be lower than 10 Max. down payment in percent cannot exceed 90
Min. Down payment cannot be lower than 2000 Max. Down payment cannot exceed 18000

The interest rate consists of fixed interest rate determined by Citadele Leasing and 3- or 6-month variable EURIBOR interest rate. For each transaction, the interest rate is calculated individually, taking into account the cooperation relationships between the client and the Citadele, leasing asset criteria, down payment, etc.

Min. Interest rate cannot be lower than 4.50 Max. Interest rate cannot exceed 20.00
352.19 EUR
Monthly payment
Repayment schedule icon