
Effective since 02.04.2024

Current account
Service Fee
Opening of current account Free of charge
Verification of company documents upon account opening, for companies subject to enhanced due diligence6 Individually (min. 100 EUR)
Maintenance of current account (electronic money institutions, payment institutions, banks, providers of lending services and other financial sector companies) Individually
Maintainance of current account 1 EUR per month
Verification of authority on representing of the legal entity, current customer of Citadele Bank in connection with account servicing and new services providing in connection with or amendments in the current services, on the basis of the documents presented by customer Free of charge
Annual interest rate for credit balance 0%
Closure of account Free of charge
Account balance fee2,5
Service Fee
CHF 100 000 SNB Rate minus 30 basis points/ 360
DKK 750 000 Certificates of deposit rate minus 150 basis points/ 360
SEK 1 000 000 Repo Rate minus 160 basis points/ 360
EUR 5 000 0003 ECB deposit facility rate/ 360
JPY 10 000 000 Key policy Rate minus 30 basis points/ 360
NOK 1 000 000 Key policy Rate minus 30 basis points/ 360
  • 1 The fee shall be payable before the verification carried out by the bank and before the bank's decision on starting business relationship with the customer.
  • 2 Current account balance fee is charged on the funds of the customer or group of related customers. The Bank does not calculate or pay interest on the customer’s account balance. The current account balance fee is not applied if the central bank has set an annual deposit interest rate of 0% or higher for the respective currency. The fee is applied to and calculated on the current account balances specified in the pricelist per each calendar day as of the end of day and the total amount of the fee calculated shall be debited to the account on the last day of each month.
  • 3 If the account currency is not EUR, the account balance fee is charged in an equivalent amount until the balance on the account is zero.
  • 4 Fee can be applied also to companies where Enhanced due diligence is required during account opening process.
  • 5 The accounts, for balances of which the fee specified in the Pricelist is applied to the amount specified in the Pricelist, are a current account, including a current account with a payment card, savings account+, cash account for transactions in financial instruments.
  • 6 The fee shall be payable before the verification carried out by the bank and before the bank's decision on starting business relationship with the customer.