
Effective since 02.04.2024


Service Fee
Electronically Branch
Payments to own account within Citadele group Free of charge 10 EUR
Payment to another customer's account within Citadele group 0.10 EUR 10 EUR
EUR payments within the EU (SEPA, SEPA Instant payments) (incl. regular payments) 0.38 EUR 10 EUR 1
Standard payment outside SEPA in any currency 10 EUR Not available
Urgent payments outside SEPA in any currency 25 EUR Not available
Additional fee for processing payment made from / to countries with sanction risk of and/or countries where payment processing requires enhanced due diligence 150 EUR
Regular payment service implementation/agreement amendment Free of charge 10 EUR
Incoming within Citadele bank (including from Lithuania, Latvia branches, Domestic and EU-payments) Free of charge
Incoming payments in foreign currency (commission type BEN and SHA) 6 EUR (or its equivalent in payment currency)
Other payment services
Non-cash currency exchange in accordance with Citadele Bank rate, without additional commission fee
Revocation of payments within Citadele bank in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 10 EUR
Investigation of local and international payments 80 EUR + the actual costs of foreign banks
Revocation of local and international payments: 125 EUR + the actual costs of foreign banks
  • 1 SEPA instant payment not available at Branch, Sky Branch. Information on the maximum amount limit of the payment initiated in Sky Branch is available on the Bank's website and in the customer service units.
  • 2 The fee is taken in addition to the fee for Payments in foreign currency and Euro payments to another bank.
  • 3 The fee is taken in addition to the standard fee for incoming and outgoing payments and the fee is charged from the Customer account regardless of payment commission type. List of countries to which additional fee is applied is published in